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Our Recruitment Approach

Our company’s recruitment processes are designed to identify candidatesskills and abilities. Your role is crucial in this process. Competency-based assessment methods allow us to predict job success and accurately evaluate the skills required for the position, and your input is integral to this process.

  • Identification of Competencies: In our recruitment process, we define the essential competencies and behaviours required for each position. These competencies are determined based on the position’s requirements and our company’s culture.
  • Measurement and Evaluation: Various tools and methods are used to measure and assess candidates’ competencies. Techniques such as resume reviews, interviews, behavioural questions, job simulations, and assessment centres are employed to evaluate candidates’ competency levels objectively.
  • Impact on Job Performance: Competency-based assessment is a powerful tool for predicting job success. This approach provides valuable insights into candidates’ future job performance and potential for success by evaluating whether they possess the essential skills and behaviours required for the job.
  • Development and Feedback: The competency-based assessment process offers valuable feedback and helps identify development opportunities. This feedback assists candidates in understanding their strengths and areas for improvement, helping them shape their careers. 

Training/Development Approach

Based on our belief that the concept of “Training and Development” is a dynamic and continually evolving process, our primary goal is to help our employees recognise their knowledge and skills in line with the demands of the information age, identify areas open to development and change, and address these needs through appropriate.

  • Training and Development programs. Our People&Culture team provides various resources and opportunities to help our employees maximise their potential and contribute to achieving our company’s goals.
  • Individual Development Plans: We create individual development plans for each employee to support their career goals. These plans include goals and action steps designed to help employees enhance their strengths and improve areas for development.
  • Training Programs: We offer a range of training programs, from technical skill development to leadership and communication skills. We regularly collect feedback to identify our needs and update our training content accordingly.
  • Mentoring and Coaching Programs: Mentoring and coaching programs help our employees learn from experienced colleagues and receive support throughout their careers. These programs encourage knowledge and experience sharing and contribute to developing new talents.
  • Online Training Resources: We provide access to various online training resources tailored to the needs of our employees. These resources allow those looking to improve their work and acquire new skills to customise their learning processes.
  • Performance Feedback: We provide regular feedback to employees, contributing to their development. Performance evaluations help highlight strengths and identify areas for improvement.